In partnership with David Hall, the founder of Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS), Stack’s Bowers Galleries has launched a new service that identifies the highest-quality graded coins on the market. Collectors, dealers, and investors can now submit coins to Collectible Market Qualified (CMQ), where Hall and Stack’s Bowers Galleries CEO Greg Roberts will assess each piece for quality, eye appeal, and grade. Coins that Hall and Roberts unanimously agree meet CMQ’s rigorous standards will be recognized as “qualified” and granted a tamper-resistant hologram sticker.

CMQ stickers feature the Stack’s Bowers logo. (Photo: Stack’s Bowers Galleries)
CMQ-stickered coins are designed to facilitate sight-unseen trading. “Collectors and dealers can rest assured that no marginally graded or negative eye appeal coins will ever exhibit a CMQ sticker, providing a new level of confidence when buying or selling CMQ-qualified coins,” says Hall.
he new service will offer two levels of stickers—CMQ and CMQ-X (for Exceptional). The latter will be assigned to a small percentage of coins that “make you shake your head in wonderment,” Hall says. To learn more, or to submit a coin to CMQ, visit Stack’s Bowers’ website.
A version of this article appears in the November 2023 issue of The Numismatist (