News & Notes

Q&A with U.S. Mint Director Ventris Gibson

Published October 30, 2023 | Read time 3 min read

By Louis Golino

On October 30, Director Gibson chatted with Louis Golino about the coining facility’s recent survey, upcoming projects, and product launches.

Louis Golino: Can you please tell us about the results of the recent U.S. Mint survey on the redesign of U.S. coins for 2026? For example, what were some of the key themes and personalities collectors would like to see on coins? Did they have other suggestions? 

Mint Director Ventris Gibson: The ultimate product portfolio depends on several factors. After receiving public input on the survey, the mint will work with its advisors to finalize thematic concepts for this program, and mint artists will begin design development. 

In addition to the public survey, federal advisors (that include representatives from the Library of Congress, Smithsonian Institution, National Archives and Records Administration, and National Parks Service) and a Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) working group is providing input into the development of this program’s themes/concepts. 

The mint will provide candidate designs with feedback from the subject matter experts and recommendations from the CCAC and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts to the Secretary of the Treasury for final design selection. 

We will share more information as it becomes available.  

LG: How many people responded to the survey? 

VG: More than 51,000.  At the start of October, we received over 38,000 responses to the circulating themes survey.  We sent out a “last chance” email before the last week of the survey to boost engagement in the final days, which drove responses to more than 51,000 participants.  

LG: How can individual collectors get involved in the quincentennial redesign process, especially younger collectors? 

VG: Pending approval from the Department of the Treasury, we will invite Americans to take a brief survey to rank 21 historic coins, from which five “Best of the Mint” pieces will be selected. This survey will be open in 30 days and available using the same link as the previous Circulating Themes Survey. 

The list of 21 historic coins was developed in consultation with a subcommittee of the CCAC and the curator of the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution, who considered the artistic merit and historical significance of each coin as they compiled the list. The coins span the mint’s history, from its inception in 1792 to our award-winning 2017 American Liberty 24kt gold coin. 

We also suggest you direct youngsters to America250, the nonpartisan initiative working to engage every American in the 250th anniversary of the United States. 

LG: Does the Mint anticipate offering 2024 Morgan and Peace dollars?

VG: We are planning to offer the same product line as this year, which includes the Morgan and Peace proof silver dollars, Morgan and Peace uncirculated silver dollars, and the Morgan and Peace reverse-proof two-coin set. 

Author Update (November 2, 2023)

Following this discussion, the U.S. Mint announced that the survey will run from November 3 to December 3, with respondents selecting their favorite 5 designs from the 21 presented. The results will be used to help determine the coins to be included in a “Best of the Mint” collection of gold coins in 2026. 

The mint has also published its 2024 product schedule.