News Stories

Notable News (November 27-December 4, 2023)

Published December 1, 2023 | Read time 2 min read

By Darcie Graybill

This week’s headlines include upcoming changes to euro bank notes, a new Royal Mint commemorative, and a NCBA seminar.

The European Central Bank has released information about the upcoming facelift coming to euro notes. Themes will focus on European culture, birds, and rivers.

Photo: Getty Images/ilbusca

The National Coin & Bullion Association will host a seminar discussing the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Act of 2020 on January 3 at the 2024 FUN Convention.

Photo: National Coin & Bullion Association

The Royal Mint partnered with former United States Mint Chief Engraver John Mercanti to design a new commemorative coin featuring the British Lion and the American Eagle.

Photo: The Royal Mint

The U.S. Mint is accepting applications for appointment to the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee as the member specially qualified in medallic arts or sculpture.

Photo: Getty Images/Leventince

The Stewart Blay Collections of Flying Eagle cents, Indian Head cents, and Barber dimes sold by GreatCollections realized nearly $5 million.

Photo: GreatCollections