News Stories

California Bound

Published May 20, 2024 | 1 min read

By Sydney Stewart

Witter Coin University will greet 40 new students on July 20 for its weeklong program. The program covers all expenses for the attendees, aged 14-20, as the students travel to San Fransisco and take classes on topics such as grading, authentication, and research. This year, the students will start their experience with a day trip to Coloma, California, where the California gold rush began. Following the excursion, the young numismatists will take classes taught by knowledgeable instructors for five days. They will celebrate with a graduation dinner on Friday night, followed by a coin show put on by the students the next morning.

“We provide the experience that many of these students couldn’t afford on their own. They’re all passionate about numismatics,” says Seth Chandler, the owner and chief numismatist of Witter Coins. “They get the chance to be around 40 kids who have a similar interest.”

Witter Coin U relies solely on donations, and contributions can be made on the Witter Coin University website.

A version of this article appears in the July 2024 issue of The Numismatist (