2024 Collier Prize Awarded to Moneda Ibérica
The American Numismatic Society (ANS) has awarded the 2024 Collier Prize in Ancient Numismatics to Moneda Ibérica, a digital catalog focused on ancient coins from the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. Manuel Gozalbes Fernández de Palencia and Pere Pau Ripollès Alegre edited and developed the resource. Accessible at monedaiberica.org, the catalog features over 100,000 coins with images, 4,000 coin types, and thousands of bibliographic references, representing decades of collaborative research. Its scope spans Greek, Punic, Iberian, and Celtiberian cultures from the 6th to 1st centuries B.C.
The Collier Prize, established in 2020, is one of the most significant awards in ancient numismatics. It offers $20,000 to winners and recognizes outstanding contributions to the field. The president of the ANS and a senior ANS curator biennially appoint five senior numismatists to serve as judges. The award ceremony will be held on March 18, 2025, at ANS headquarters in New York City. A lecture and reception will follow the ceremony. For more information, visit numismatics.org.